TALIAN KECEMASAN 03-2687 5181 / TALIAN AM 03-2687 5000 info@pusrawi.com.my

Discharge Procedure

Customer Info


Discharge Procedure

Cash patient bills will be provided within 15 minutes after all complete documents are received. Insurance / Panel Patient Bills will be provided between a minimum period of 1 – 3 hours depending on the approval and issuance of the Letter of Guarantee from the insurance company / panel.

Hospital charges

Patients and / or heirs / guarantors agree to pay all hospital bills including Government taxes at current rates. The patient is responsible for making the prescribed payment if the insurance / panel involved fails to pay the bill.

Patient Property

The patient’s personal belongings are on the patient’s own responsibility during their stay at the Hospital. PUSRAWI is not responsible if there is a case of loss of the goods.

Payment method

PUSRAWI received cash, debit cards, credit cards, bank drafts and valid letters of guarantee from panel companies.

Payment Return

Regulatory Compliance

During the treatment period, patients and visitors are required to follow the instructions of the Specialist and anyone in charge of the Specialist and subsequently comply with the laws and regulations set by the hospital.


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